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We see giving to charity as part of our Christian Stewardship of the resources that we have.  We are committed to charitable giving as part of the mission of the church.

We have pledged that our charitable giving will…


  •   Consider spiritual as well as material needs, delivering mission and aid

  •   Link with our broader work on social justice

  •   Support the local community of Aldingbourne, Barnham and Eastergate  as well as national, and international causes

  •   Make a difference, focusing where our giving can have greatest impact

Each year we choose a charitiy to support through events, sharing information and through our collections.

When you visit any of the churches in ABE you will find a Jar of Compassion.  The Jar is there for visitors and members of the congregation to give to the charities that we are supporting in that year.

In 2016/17 we are supporting…


Tap on the logo to visit the websites of our chosen charity

Below the right is a link to our Charitable Giving Policy should you want to find out more.

Charitable Giving Policy >>

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