Your regular giving enables the ministry of Parish of Aldingbourne, Barnham and Eastergate, including our Sunday Services, work with children and youth, maintenance of our churchyards and 3 medieval churches, as well as supporting our Priests who day in day out accompany those in need and provide the Sacraments.
All that happens within our parish is made possible by those who pray, serve and give to the work of the church.
This could not happen without you.
Thank you so much!
Parish Giving Scheme
The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is a simple and secure way for churches to receive regular gifts by Direct Debit. PGS is a charity indorsed by the Church of England the aim is to easing the administrative burden for churches, while empowering all generations to give with confidence and to feel valued. This is the Parish of ABEs preferred method of giving. Below are links to the PGS website and a direct link to the ABE giving page.
Standing Order & Weekly Envelope Scheme
You can set up a regular donation to the parish directly from your bank account or by signing up for the Weekly Envelope Scheme. If you would like to give regularly in this way, please download, print the Standing Order Form, and return to the Parish Office.
Gift Aid
Churches are registered charities, and Gift Aid allows charities to claim the basic rate of tax on donations received from UK taxpayers. The basic rate of income tax is currently set at 20%.
This is how it works:
Suppose you give the parish £5 per week (£260 each year)
The parish is able to reclaim from HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) the tax you will have paid on the income you have donated to church.
This is calculated as 20% of £6 (the gross amount of your gift), i.e. £5
The total that church receives is therefore your £5 plus £1 Gift Aid, it might not sound like much but over a year that's an extra £52, and over several years it all tots up.
If you're a higher rate tax payer, your gift aid is worth more.
Simply complete a Gift Aid Declaration form and return it to the Parish Office.
Gifts in Wills
Writing a will is a wonderful way of providing for the people and causes you care about. Alongside your family and friends, might you also be able to help the Church that has shaped your life? If you are considering making a bequest to the Parish of Alidingbourne, Barnham and Eastergate or have already included a gift in your will and would like to speak to someone about legacy giving, please contact the Parish Office, one of the clergy team or the Parish Treasurer.