Our churchyards are beautiful places where people come and remember loved ones, and spend time in reflection, peace and quiet in the rural settings that our churches enjoy.
The churchyards are well maintained, often by volunteers, to make them places of natural beauty and quietness.
All of the churchyards in the parish are open to the public all the year round and are an important part of the history, traditions and community of which they are a part.
In the Bible, Jesus was laid in a grave, but returned to life again three days later,this gives us hope of a life beyond that which we share now. Our churchyards are therefore not primarily places of sadness or separation. They are places of hope and faith – this place is not the end for our loved ones, there is life to come…
All of our churchyards are open to new burials at present and we have plots and spaces for the burial of cremated remains as well. If you would like to know more please contact us using the link above.
Regulations regarding Churchyards
All churchyards within the Church of England are governed by rules, set by the Chancellor of the Diocese to maintain the beauty and tranquility of the various settings. The regulations are quite detailed. You can download a summary of them by using the links below.
The full regulations are available from the Diocese of Chichester website (link below).