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In the Parish of ABE we are committed to work in partnership with the church overseas. We have good and growing companion links with both East and West Africa providing us with cultural, prayerful and social links with the Anglican church there.

Only a small part of this work is fundraising.  Our vision is one of partnership and exchange, a mutually benefical bond of unity across the miles.  We are involving our local schools, businesses as well as the church in building these links.

In recent months we have been engaged in fundraising and building links with

Kenya - The Diocese of Nyahururu; Mercy Secondary School

A link has existed between the churches in this area and Nyahururu for many years, begun by Rev Gillian Cosser of Slindon.  In Kenya secondary education is not free, and there are a great many children who have been orphaned because of HIV/AIDS.  We have been collecting the small amount of money needed to sponsor a child through the school.  We have done this in a very simple way by collecting 20 pence pieces or pound coins in sweet tubes.  Many of our local schools have taken up this project and are actively engaged in building the link between Mercy School and The Parish of ABE.

We are sponsoring two children at the school Eunice and Eric.  Reverend Sheila and some of our congregation recently visited Nyahururu, you can see some pictures of their trip by clicking HERE.

August 2021 update:

At present the two young people, Eric and Eunice, that we provided secondary school funding for have now left school and are applying to college for courses that will give them further training and better equip them for the future.  Neither of them have any means of financial help from families and I would like us as a parish to be able to support them over this. If you feel able to give financial help please either contact me personally or provide money or cheque payable to ABE PCC in an envelope from the pews and clearly mark it KENYA PROJECT.

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