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Our Lady of Walsingham 

Is a title of the Blessed Virgin Mary venerated by Catholics and Anglicans associated with the Marian apparitions to Richeldis de Faverches, a pious English noblewoman, in 1061 in the village of Walsingham in Norfolk. Lady Richeldis had a structure built named "The Holy House" in Walsingham which later became a shrine and place of pilgrimage.

St Mary's Barnham has a long association with Walsingham and in recent years reinstated annual pilgrimages to the Shrine.  Pilgrims from the  parish visit twice a year and can often be found at the National Pilgrimage in May as well as visiting independently. 


In 2018 a Cell of Our Lady of Walsingham was established under the patronage of Our Lady and St Philip Howard. The superior is Fr. Graham Reeves, who is a Priest Associate of the Holy House. 

The Cell of Our Lady and St Philip Howard meets on the FIRST Saturday of the month at 9.30am for a said Mass with hymns followed by refreshments at St Mary's, Barnham.

We invite former, current and future Walsingham pilgrims to attend!


For further information of the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham click HERE.

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